A board cannot be considered non-partisan if most of its board members donate to and volunteer for a specific candidate’s political campaign. This bias could be overcome if the endorsement decision was not weighted so heavily in favor of the board. The biased board members cast a vote with a 20% weight and the questionnaire is scored by the board with a 35% weight (of which 6% is based solely on whether the board member liked the candidate). So, 55% of the endorsement is determined by an unelected, self-perpetuating, biased board.
The board meeting took place at the beginning of this year, in which we voted to have the board rate the questionnaire and vote on the candidates in order to make a recommendation to the membership. The membership would then take into consideration the recommendation from the board and vote on the endorsement. It was agreed that the membership vote would count 100% even if they voted for someone the board did not recommend. In order to have members that were committed to CincyPAC’s core values, it was determined that we would enforce a membership fee of $25. Anyone could join regardless of age or residence. The process was decidedly different from past years.
The statement from the board would have you believe that the 45% was determined in advance, but that vote took place on September 20, 2011, AFTER the questionnaires were sent to and received from the candidates, AFTER the candidates were interviewed, AFTER the questionnaires were scored, and AFTER knowing who became members, just moments before the recommendation was sent to the members.
Someone call Aja a WWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAmbulance, because she's crying lilke a two year old whose mommy won't give her a cookie. CincyPAC emdorsed republican candidates, including at least one who is publically anti-streetcar. So there goes Aja's meme in the trash can. Buh-bye Aja, your a sore loser.
ReplyDeleteWhat? The CincyPAC Board lied? Shocking. Absolutely shocking.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Whaambulance thing hasn't been funny since I was in 7th grade. What is funny is when someone who criticizes someone else for being childish makes childish remarks in their criticism.
Let's all throw a pity party for poor little Aja. Maye we can take up a collection to get her $25 back. I know how hard it is for republicans to unclench their assholes and part with their cash after all.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why Aja is being attacked for what she is saying here. She has legitimate criticisms that CincyPac has yet to properly address. The serious questions are:
ReplyDelete1. What and when were the candidates and members informed of the endorsement vote percentage breakdown?
2. How were the scores that counted for 35% decided?
Aja clearly has a grievance with how all of this played out and thus resigned from the board. If she is wrong, then Cincypac should better address her allegations. Why resort to ad hominem attacks?